Visit of french minister Macron in Israel: Greentech, a start-up incubator in the Department of Ecology. Video

Emmanuel Macron présentant la french tech en Israël (photo : Usine digitale) Emmanuel Macron présentant la french tech en Israël (photo : Usine digitale)

Ségolène Royal, Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, and Emmanuel Macron, Minister for the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs, launched a brand new initiative – “La Green Tech” – for startups last Tuesday. €15 million are to be invested to support entrepreneurial projects in eight key fields, such as biodiversity, renewable energy and clean transport.

Digital and data processing solutions will be put to work for the environment in particular: Ségolène Royal has made a commitment to make it easier for fledgling startups interested in working with “La Green Tech” to obtain access to data bases.

“La Green Tech” also plans to open a startup incubator within the Ministry for the Ecology and is to select 50 startups to boost their growth. The lucky winners will receive a pre-seed fund of up to €150,000. At the end of the program, the most promising projects will continue to benefit from long-term support and €500,000 in additional funding.

A number of challenges will also be organized for students and professionals to encourage them to create green startups just as successful as those involved in the “La French Tech” initiative.

Source Business France

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