ALIYAHPEDIA is a comprehensive compilation of articles with information on every aspect of Aliyah. Everything you need to know about Aliyah, both before and after, can be found here. Browse through the topics below to learn more. ALIYAHPEDIA has been launched by US NGO Nefesh B’Nefesh.
ALIYAHPEDIA provides with guidance during the initial stages of your Aliyah planning, including assistance and information regarding:
Aliyah rights and benefits
The application process
Education and community options
Assistance with planning and pilot trips
Employment counseling and support
Israeli citizenship
Financial aid
Aliyah Flights
ALIYAHPEDIA also offers hundreds of workshops, seminars and events throughout the year across North America and the UK; including employment seminars, retirement workshops, open houses, one-on-one meetings, and our annual mega events and Aliyah fairs.