Israël à « Viva Technology » : l'appli Emerald Medical remporte le premier prix
[:fr]Plus de cinquante sociétés israéliennes ainsi que 15 intervenants ont présenté la future génération de technologies innovantes lors de la première édition de cet évènement rassemblant des acteurs mondiaux du digital « Viva Technology : Start-up connect ». L’évènement, organisé par Publicis et les Echos, a ressemblé du 30 juin au 2 juillet 2016 les plus grands groupes internationaux et des startups du monde entière autour de l’ensemble des thématiques de l’innovation. Le pavillon d’Israël, un des seuls pavillons nationaux du salon, a attiré de nombreux visiteurs durant les trois jours de l’évènement qui a accueilli 5 000 start-ups, 45 000 visiteurs, des leaders d’opinion, des dizaines de milliers de dirigeants et des investisseurs. Les sociétés israéliennes qui ont fait le déplacement à paris ont présenté une gamme innovante de solutions technologiques dans divers domaines tels que IOT, digital, Cybe, Big Data, le médical, les nouveaux médias, Fintech…
Dans le cadre de l’évènement, des appels à projets thématiques ont été publiés par les grands groupes internationaux et les startups israéliennes ont répondu à ces challenges. Plusieurs de rencontres en BtoB se sont également déroulées entre les sociétés israéliennes et des grandes groupes français tel que Accor, Carrefour, EdF, PMU, Vinci, la RATP, Unibail, entre autres.
Au cours d’un « Happy Hour » riche en interactions qui s’est manifesté au sein du pavillon, le Directeur Général du Ministère israélien de l’Economie et de l’Industrie, M. Amit LANG et l’Attachée commerciale Mme Leora HADAR ont pris la parole en mettant en valeur le fort potentiel de développement des relations économiques et commerciales entre la France et Israël.
Un échange enrichissant lors de la table ronde « Startup Nation – How Israel Does It » sur la plateforme principale du salon a notamment eu lieu. Les intervenants ont abordé la question du succès de la nation start-up qui génère plus de startups que d’autres grandes nations industrielles à travers le monde. A l’occasion du 90ème anniversaire de Publicis, le groupe a décidé de soutenir et financer les 90 start-ups ou projets digitaux les plus prometteurs. Les 90 projets sélectionnés étaient mis en avant lors d’une cérémonie durant Viva Technology. Parmi 3500 projets de plus de 130 pays, 5 sociétés israéliennes ont été sélectionnées en phase finale, dont la société Emerald Medical qui a remporté le premier prix et la société Wiseye qui a remporté le troisième prix !
Emerald Medical est une application simple et intelligente de détection anticipée du cancer de la peau. Le jury a déclaré qu’Emerald Medical avait été sélectionnée à l’unanimité pour l’ensemble des critères examinés et également pour la raison suivante : le produit DermaCompare, développé par la société israélienne Emerald peut contribuer à sauver de nombreuses vies.
*Photos crédit: Israel ESHED
Source iTrade [:en]The first edition of Viva Technology Paris, the first international event dedicated to the growth of startups and the collaboration between large companies and startups has been a success. Over 45,000 visitors attended Viva Technology over three days, of which the first two were dedicated to professionals and the third open to the public. 5,000 startups participated in this first edition as exhibitors, contributing to the challenges set forth by our Lab partners, as hopefuls for the over 50 awards given out, or simply as visitors to the event.
Co-organized by Groupe Les Echos and Publicis Groupe [Euronext Paris: FR0000130577, CAC40], Viva Technology Paris was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of France, François Hollande, and welcomed Minister of the Economy, Emmanuel Macron, the Secretary of State in charge of Digital, Axelle Lemaire, the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, the President of the Ile de France region, Valérie Pécresse, and the President of the Hauts de Seine region, Xavier Bertrand.
Some of the biggest companies in France and internationally accepted the invitation to join Viva Technology as well. Global digital players from France, the United States, Israel, China, and more were largely represented. The biggest names in tech and business participated in panels and fireside chats, such as Tim Armstrong (AOL), Rania Belkahia (Africa Market), Jim Breyer (Breyer Capital), Jay Carney (Amazon), John Chambers (Cisco), Jim Gianopulos (20th Century Fox), Demis Hassabis (Google DeepMind), Rosabeth Moss Kanter (Harvard Business School), David Kenny (IBM Watson), Isabelle Kocher (Engie), Robin Li (Baidu), SY Lau (Tencent), David Marcus (Facebook), Stéphane Richard (Orange), Eric Schmidt (Alphabet), Joe Schoendorf (Accel), Jimmy Wales (Wikimedia Foundation), and Reem Younis (Alpha Omega Ltd).
Over 10 million euros were distributed during the event to winning startups from key business partners and investors.
Publicis Groupe celebrated its 90th anniversary at Viva Technology Paris by honoring 90 startups from 30 countries who participated in the global startup initiative, Publicis90 The Grand prize was awarded to Emerald Medical Applications for its skin cancer early-detection application using technology to save lives.
« The idea to create an event that would place France at the heart of the digital ecosystem has been an intention of mine for years. It was particularly gratifying to see the young startups and entrepreneurs so happy to be there, appreciated, and able to connect with large companies and investors. I am very happy to have been able to facilitate these connections. Some amazing technologies were presented in the Hall of Tech, among which several French companies were on display. We created the only event of its kind to open its doors to the public passionate about new technology. Viva Technology Paris has become the reference of digital innovation. We are extremely proud to have exceeded our goal. We were very ambitious but the numbers prove that we went above and beyond our hopes. We are also pleased to announce that we will be back with the second edition in 2017, » declared Maurice Lévy, Chairman & CEO of Publicis Groupe.
« Viva Technology Paris was far more than a technology summit. For three days, Paris became and will remain the heart of the synergy between large companies and startups. We achieved another goal of ours, which was to bring in the most important speakers in the industry, which we also achieved. The two professional days were rich in lessons. The third day open to the public was such a success that we are confident in bringing the event back for a second edition next year. France has incredible assets in digital and innovation and Viva Tech clearly demonstrates our ambition to contribute to this impetus. Viva Technology reached nearly 41 million people on social media, 95% on Twitter. The international resonance of the event was exceptional, with 159 countries talking about Viva Technology, » added Francis Morel, CEO of Groupe Les Echos.
« In conclusion, we are very pleased with the collaboration between Publicis Groupe and Groupe Les Echos. The teams accomplished an extraordinary job in a very short amount of time, » said Francis Morel and Maurice Lévy jointly.
In case you missed it:
- TechCrunch, the leading technology media, described the event: « Vivatech concentrates France’s booming tech scene, and its minds. » The media added, « Something big happened in France over the last five years. »
- Viva Technology was mentioned more than 86,000 times since June 30.
- Viva Tech reached nearly 41 million people on social media, 95% of which on Twitter.
- Exceptional international resonance with 159 countries talking about the event.
- Over half a million vues estimated internationally across all Viva Tech content.
Perameter: Global, language French & English
Source: Linkfluence
Hyperconnectivity, an opportunity for growth
Today, everything is connected and interconnected. In every industry, hyperconnectivity is recognized as the way to transform classic business models. The Internet of Things is a factor of its success, efficiency and growth. In order to get there, understanding opportunities of Big Data is key.
Augmented & Virtual Reality, the rise of Robots
The democratization of augmented and virtual reality or even robots is opening doors to a new world of emotions, experience and adventures in gaming, content, health and finance. Innovation allows us to cross borders: data is everywhere, blockchains know no barriers, and consumers buy products and services internationally.
And also:
Present across the booths at Viva Technology were many innovations including: the SeaBubble, a vehicle that flies over water, the Phantom Gold by Devialet, the connected anti-UV patch by L’Oréal and La Roche-Posay, Jacquard the connected fabric by Google in partnership with Levi’s, the new virtual reality headset Playstation VR by Sony, the first connected bathroom mirror by Miliboo and more.
About Viva Technology Paris
Viva Technology Paris, the international event organized by Publicis Groupe and Groupe Les Echos, is dedicated to the growht of startups, to digital transformation and innovation. For its first edition, Viva Technology Paris brought together from June 30 – July 2 in the Hall 1 of Porte de Versailles in Paris over 45,000 visitors of which tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, talents, investors and academics. More information at and @VivaTech on Twitter.