SolarEdge (Israël) va booster la batterie de Tesla Motors (USA), pour stocker l’électricité domestique
[:fr]La société israélienne SolarEdge Technologies, leader mondial en onduleurs PV, optimiseurs de puissance et systèmes de supervision au niveau module, a annoncé sa collaboration avec le constructeur américain de véhicules électriques Tesla Motors pour fournir un onduleur qui sera couplé à Powerwall, la batterie électrique domestique de Tesla. Ce développement conjoint destiné au marché mondial s’appuiera sur la solution Inverter DC de SolarEdge et sur les batteries automobiles recyclées de Tesla, pour permettre un stockage et une consommation optimisés du solaire résidentiel.
La batterie lithium ion Powerwall de Tesla, annoncée récemment à un prix très accessible, a pour but de stocker l’énergie renouvelable produite localement (éoliennes, PV), ainsi que l’électricité issue du réseau électrique lorsque les prix sont au plus bas, dans la journée ou la nuit. Des maisons reliées à des panneaux photovoltaïques pourraient, dans certains cas, être autosuffisantes en énergie. La batterie peut également servir en cas de coupure de courant. Ce système sera disponible en Europe dès 2016. Pour Elon Musk, le visionnaire CEO de Tesla Motors, la batterie Powerall pourrait jouer « un rôle similaire à celui de la téléphonie mobile qui a remplacé les lignes terrestres». « Je veux changer la totalité de l’infrastructure énergétique dans le monde pour la rendre totalement durable», a-t-il affirmé récemment. Rien de moins.
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Voir aussi Tesla Powerwall 2 Review

“Tesla’s collaboration with SolarEdge unites leading organizations in two rapidly-growing
Industries—solar energy and energy storage—to bring homeowners a more cost-effective and integrated energy generation, storage, and consumption solution,” said JB Straubel, CTO of Tesla. “SolarEdge’s commitment to improving the value of PV systems through product innovation, combined with more than 1.3 GW of successful deployments, makes it an ideal partner for Tesla to develop and introduce this new energy storage solution to the PV market.”
The new offering is expected to present a number of benefits to homeowners, from serving as a backup power source in the event of an electrical outage, to maximizing self-consumption, and enabling energy independence.
“Like SolarEdge, Tesla recognizes the need and opportunity to develop innovative solutions designed to lower the cost of solar energy and make clean, renewable energy more feasible for customers around the world,” stated Lior Handelsman, Marketing and Product VP of SolarEdge. “Tesla’s industry leading battery storage technology makes it a natural fit for this endeavor. Together, we are taking the first step towards widespread adoption of integrated solar energy generation and storage in the residential market.”
Designed to manage both functions with just one SolarEdge DC optimized inverter, the solution will allow for outdoor installation and will include remote monitoring and troubleshooting to keep operations and maintenance costs low. The solution will also support upgrading existing SolarEdge systems with the storage solution.
For enhanced safety, the solution is designed to employ SolarEdge’s SafeDC™ architecture, which enables safe voltage levels in the event of inverter or grid disconnection to safeguard workers, homeowners, and firefighters. Additionally, the system will feature integrated rapid shutdown functionality, in full compliance with the National Electrical Code 2014, 690.12 (1) through (4).
The SolarEdge solution is expected to be available by the end of 2015.
About SolarEdge Technologies
SolarEdge provides an intelligent inverter solution that has changed the way power is harvested and managed in solar photovoltaic systems. The SolarEdge DC optimized inverter system maximizes power generation at the individual PV module-level while lowering the cost of energy produced by the solar PV system. The SolarEdge system consists of power optimizers, inverters and a cloud-based monitoring platform and addresses a broad range of solar market segments, from residential solar installations to commercial and small utility-scale solar installations.
See also Tesla Powerwall 2 Review[:]