Phinergy (Israël), la voiture qui roule à l’air grâce à des batteries métal-air
[:fr]La start-up israélienne Phinergy construit une voiture qui fonctionne grâce au métal, à l’air et à l’eau. La technologie de batterie Aluminum-Air pour les véhicules électriques utilisée par Phinergy a été développée avec le Pr Arie Zaban de l’université Bar-Ilan. Phinergy avait été présentée au Président Obama durant sa visite en Israël. La technologie Phinergy augmente considérablement l’offre de véhicules électriques et devrait connaitre une forte demande lors de sa commercialisation. Le véhicule de Phinergy s’appuie sur une technologie de rupture leader, avec zéro émission, des systèmes d’une haute densité énergétique basés sur l’énergie métal-air, principalement de l’aluminium-air et du zinc-air. Contrairement aux batteries classiques qui fonctionnent à l’oxygène, ces batteries aspirent librement l’oxygène de l’air ambiant pour libérer l’énergie contenue dans les métaux. Dans la vidéo ci-dessous, on peut voir la voiture en action, conduite sur 300 km. Il faut rajouter de l’eau et c’est reparti pour quelques centaines de km. Qui n’aimerait conduire une telle voiture? C’est plus sûr, moins cher et cela permet d’économiser sur le prix du carburant.

[:en]Israeli tech start-up Phinergy has produced a car that runs on metal, air and water. The technology significantly increases the driving range of current electric vehicles and should be in high demand when it hits the marketplace. Phinergy is a leading developer of breakthrough, zero emission, high energy density systems based on metal air energy technologies, mainly Aluminum-Air and Zinc-Air. Unlike conventional batteries that carry oxygen, these batteries freely breathe oxygen from the ambient air to release the energy contained in metals. In the video below, you can see the car in action, driving over 300 km. in one drive. Just refill the water and you’re good for another few hundred km. Who wouldn’t love to drive such a car? It’s safer, cheaper and saves on the price on gas?
Source united with israel

Aviv Tzidon is an accomplished entrepreneur who has founded over 10 high-tech companies, three of which have been listed on NASDAQ and one on the Frankfurt stock exchange. A creative, out of the box thinker, he holds over 15 patents, many of which have led to breakthrough innovations in various industries (such as positioning systems, network protocols, navigation accuracy, and virtual studios). Aviv is passionate about alternative energies and believes that thanks to metal-air technology, aluminum will become the next major sustainable energy source.
The Aluminum-Air battery for electric vehicles used by Phinergy was developped by Prof Arie Zaban of Bar-Ilan University and presented to President Obama during his visit to Israel.
Phinergy is a leading developer of breakthrough zero-emission, high energy-density systems based on metal-air energy technologies. The company’s primary focus is on aluminum-air and zinc-air batteries.
Unlike conventional batteries that carry oxygen, these batteries freely breathe oxygen from the ambient air to release the energy contained in metals.
Phinergy’s technologies offer significant advantages including: Ultra High energy density, Zero CO2 emissions, Fully recyclable materials, Safety, Competitive cost.
The Company’s Aluminum-Air battery system has been successfully integrated into an electric vehicle resulting in more than three times the driving range of current EVs.
Phinergy’s technology provides energy solutions to a wide range of applications including: Transportation, Stationary energy storage, Aerospace and defense, Consumer electronics, Chlorine production.[:]