Permaculture, Green Building, cheese making, Gray Water System, Renewable Energy… for every one in the Neguev!

WWOOF is an exchange, the idea of wwoofing is that you willing to volunteer in a farm, Kibbutz, Moshav, and small private families, for several hours a day, five days a week and in return you receivefrom your host free food and accommodation.anyone above 18 years old, from any nationality, with motivation to help a farmer, can join WWOOF Israel.

Volunteers can learn from their host, about Organic Gardening, wine, Permaculture, Green Building, cheese making, Gray Water System, Renewable Energy, Animals Care and many more.

How does it Work?

Members of WWOOF Israel get web access to Members section that contains : 

  1. List of hosts with full description and contact details.
  2. Testimonial of wwoofer’s – get to know the host from volunteers perspective.
  3. Hosts can now contact and invite wwoofers to volunteer in their farm.