IWD conference: WIZO and Israel Science Info, “Women in science, innovation and creativity”, March, 8th 2016, Jerusalem
March 8 th 2016, on the occasion of the international women’s day (IWD), WIZO (Women International Zionist Organization) and Israel Science info invite you to a unique conference on “Women, science, innovation and creativity.” This conference will be held at Machon Lev in Jerusalem and will be moderated by Esther Amar, founder and head of Israel Science Info. Mariel A. Benhamou, National President of WIZO Israel Sections Francophones and Sarah Cohen, VP WIZO Israel Sections French & President WIZO Jerusalem – Francophone Section Dona Gracia will welcome attendees. Esther Amar underlines: “I wish to warmly thank Ms. Peggy Cohen, Mariel A. Benhamou and Sarah Cohen for their valuable support throughout the organization of this event, as well as the President of JCT, Prof. Chaim Sukenick and Prof. Noah Dana-Picard who are kind enough to accommodate us in the Jerusalem College of Technology, and prestigious speakers who have decided to join this event. “
This conference aims to present the journey of exceptional women scientists, entrepreneurs, artists … and to encourage women and girls to follow technological and artistic courses.

Full program 9:00-13:00
- Address by : Mariel A. Benhamou, National president WIZO Israel – French speaking groups
- Sarah Cohen, vice-president WIZO Israel French Speaking Groups & President of Wizo Jerusalem, Dona Gracia French speaking group
- Prof Rivka Carmi, President of Ben Gurion University of the Negev, honorary Commander of the British Empire (CBE), “a career as president of a university”
- Michèle Hassid: Director, “a woman in the aerospace field”, Bedek Aviation, IAI
- Prof Nurit Yirmiya, Department of psychology, Hebrew University; former Chief Scientist, Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology and Space; former president of the Israeli National Council for the Advancement of Women in Science & Technology,
- Prof Noah Dana-Picard, JCT : Head of Chair for Research in Torah, Mathematics and Education, “training of orthodox and Ethiopian women in high tech”
- Daphna Nissenbaum, CEO of TIPA, sustainable flexible packaging 100% bio-degradable in just 180 days: “her life as a manager of a high tech company”
- Carla Benais, French student at SCE – Sami Shamoon College of Engineering (Beer Sheva and Ashdod): “Alyah, projects and new life in Israel”
- Esther Amar, founder and CEO of Israel Science Info, the only magazine about science and high Tech in Israel founded in 2010
- Danit Peleg, 3D-Printed Clothes, high tech and fashion
Peggy Cohen Public Relation for WIZO Jerusalem Dona Gracia, French Speaking Group
Registration: Sarah Cohen : 054 553 8218 sarahamsellemcohen@gmail.com
Peggy Cohen: peggy.cm@hotmail.fr
WIZO was founded in 1920 in direct response to the needs of women and children in Israel. Today, WIZO continues to identify the needs of Israeli society and creates solutions to meet them. Now 250,000 members strong, WIZO is the main agent of change for women, children and youth in israel.