ISI Desk

ISI Desk

Big data symposium of Muriel Touaty, DG du Technion France : rendez-vous incontournable des écosystèmes français et israélien

The 13th annual conference of the Technion France, headed by Muriel Touaty, Director General, which took place December 14, 2015 at La Maison de la Chimie in Paris “Applying BIG DATA ‘, given to the economy” , has emerged once again as the meeting must for French and Israeli Technion ecosystems. The event was a remarkable success with a packed auditorium for the scientific symposium about Big Data, more than…

COP21: Paris agreement formally adopted

Robert Zbili, chairman KKl JNF France told Israel Science Info: “This is a success at three levels: the agreement between the Parties climate is a victory for the planet and for Israel that participated in the negotiations; it is also an extraordinary experience because the JNF booth, main actor of Israel at the COP21, has received numerous visits from many countries, including traditionally opposed to Israel; in terms technology, this is a very important achievement…