CNES CPS meeting : innovation, climate, exploration with China, Israel, USA…
A meeting of CNES’s Science Programmes Committee (CPS) was held at CNES…
A meeting of CNES’s Science Programmes Committee (CPS) was held at CNES…
BreezoMeter, Kaiima, TaKaDu, and Netafim among world’s top private innovation companies poised…
The Words of Muriel Touaty,Technion France CEO : “The 12th edition of…
“The best result on dark matter so far!…and we have just started!”…
Not to be confused with its planetary namesake, Venµs is a French-Israeli…
While Israel is preparing for a cyber attack liable to hit in…
On 16 May in Allan, Jordan, the SESAME synchrotron (Synchrotron-light for Experimental…
Water is made of oxygen and hydrogen, and splitting water molecules to…